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Free The Hostages! Bring Them Home!

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Aug 9, 2017

Picture of the Day

that woman on the left (left within the group - not the policewoman) grasping the Palestinian flag at a protest in Mea Shearim is none other than the demure and soft-spoken wife of Yoelish Krausz. Somehow the Krausz family went on a brilliant marketing campaign portraying themselves as undeserving victims, fine upstanding people just trying to get by quietly and help people and got caught up in some trouble along the way. The quiet mousey wife was a victim of circumstances with her 16 or 17 children in close quarters and her husband away in jail... a picture speaks a thousand words...

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  1. I don't get it, why was Mrs Krausz at Camp Ramah?

  2. Thank you, Rafi, for the photo and the comments!

  3. Where did they get those little flags from, and so quickly? Maybe they have a store of them, to take out when needed. Let them go to Ramallah, or better still to Gaza? I will pay their bus fare even, bli neder.


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