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Feb 7, 2016

Interesting Psak: he gets the wedding dress

this is strange. Even the beis din thought so.

Maariv is reporting about a divorce case in the beis din of Haifa in which an unusual request was made.

Unfortunately, after just a few years of marriage the couple decided to divorce. They went to divorce court and the husband claimed that the wife had hidden a lot of money. The beis din instructed him to prepare two lists of value of items in the marriage, and she would choose one of the lists for the purpose of the division of assets.

It sounds like the husband was fine with that, but he threw in an additional condition that had the judges rubbing their eyes in bewilderment. He informed them that for their wedding he had purchased two wedding dresses for his wife-to-be. She obviously only wore one of the dresses and he was demanding that the second dress be returned to him.

The beis din ended up agreeing to his demand and said as part of the settlement he must be awarded one of the dresses.

What was she planning on doing with two wedding dresses? Why didn't they return one after she settled the other to be worn at the wedding? And what does he want specifically the dress for now? Why not demand the value of the dress?

Very strange

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1 comment:

  1. To begin with, strange that she wanted two dresses; but in a way, not strange that he wanted the other one (presume the one she didn't wear) because he is probably thinking that's the dress she will wear when she remarries - and, of all things, he paid for it and that's got to hurt. Wonder if she wasn't sure about her marraige from the getgo and thought she should have another dress ready.
    The whole thing is sad and strange.


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