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Aug 16, 2015

Quote of the Day

the opening of the Yes Planet complex on Shabbos is part of a process happening in Yerushalayim in the past two years that will turn it into Tel Aviv.. 

  -- Jerusalem City Councilman Yitzchak Pindros

as bad as it is or as it might be that a movie theater complex is opening in Jerusalem on Shabbos, Jerusalem is still a very very long way off from being even remotely similar to Tel Aviv..

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  1. Baraket is fighting a lost cause. Instead of trying to make Jerusalem a secular city, he would be doing it much more good if he made it into a more religious city. That is the main draw for people to come to the city. Light show, Formula One, marathon, toeva, and more. Is Jerusalem known for any 'Jewish' festival?

  2. I heard Barkat on the radio the other day about this - he made an interestign point. the approvals for the yes planet complex and for their functioning on shabbos were given in the days Uri Lapoliansky was mayor.


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