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Mar 2, 2015

It is a matter of impressions, not reality

The haredi parties are all getting online. Shas, and its representatives, has been online and active even on platforms like Facebook and Twitter for a long time. Now it is Yahadut Hatorah's turn. They now have a Facebook page, that has been relatively active, in addition to their website.

We also know they all, or most of the Haredi MKs, have regular cellphones, perhaps in addition to their kosher phones (that are for appearance).

And I am in favor. They need these tools for their jobs or for their convenience.

Yet they are all in a fight about something that goes against that, just for appearances sake.

Shas ordered a printing of a prayer pamphlet. For over a year now the bill has not been paid. Everybody blames everybody else, but at the end of the day it is because the printing included the contact person's cellphone number to a non-kosher cellphone on the cover of the pamphlet.
source: Kikar

Forget that it had been approved for printing. Can you understand the hypocricy? They mostly have non-kosher cellphones. They have websites and Facebook pages. For the first time ever they have released their first Facebook video for the election campaign. They are with the times, somewhat at least, yet for appearances sake God forbid the non-kosher number should be printed. And stiff the guy who did it (again, with approval) because of how he makes us look.

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  1. How is that not flat-out theft? What beit din would say they don't have to pay immediately?

  2. it definitely is, and I imagine he would win a lawsuit for his money. but thats not my point. political parties, even religious ones, stiff people who worked for them all the time. unfortunately it is just too common.


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