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Dec 9, 2014

Is Yesh Atid dictatorial or democratic?

Prior to the last elections, the Yair Lapid people were asked to explain how come the party list was being decided "old style", with one person, Lapid himself, deciding who would be included and who would not be, and where on the list each candidate would be placed, rather than using a system of primaries.

The explanation given then was that as a new party they don't have a membership and therefore don't have the ability to conduct primaries. It can only be chosen and decided in this way, but in the future they would definitely move to primaries.

So, I'd like to see now if Yesh Atid is going to be a prime example of a democratic party, as they promised it would be, or if it will continue to be administered via the will and whim of just one person, without a chance of him being replaced with a different leader by his voters.

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  1. I heard a Yesh Atid Mk on the radio explain that at least for this round of elections, there won't be primaries. She had a long winded explanation I didn't really catch, but said something about the party being taken over by other interests? Not sure if it made so much sense.

  2. she is annoying but Glick gave an amazing interview

  3. IIRC, even before the last elections, they said that there would only be internal elections to determine the list for their third general elections.


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