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Aug 3, 2014

Headline of the Day

U.N. condemns Israel, U.S. for not sharing Iron Dome with Hamas

  -- The Washington Times

this actually made me laugh. I double and triple checked to make sure it was not satire.

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  1. It's like Tuesday is Purim, not Tisha B'av

  2. I also read this and laughed. Then this Shabbos I was catching up on some Daf Yomi, and I saw a gemara (Megillah 12b) that says if it were not for Ahashverosh's first decree (lihyos kol ish soreir be veiso) then r"l the second decree (le hashmid u laharog es kol ha Yehudim) would have been carried out very quickly by the goyim. Rashi explains that the first decree was viewed as so absurd and ridiculous, and thus Ahashverosh a fool, that when the second decree issued, people gave it little credibility -- just another bit of the king's buffoonery. So people were not so quick to carry it out. (Otherwise they would not have waited for Purim and would have commenced attacking the Jews before the appointed time.)

    I immediately thought of the UNHRC and its absurd pronouncements. This latest bit about Iron Dome will hopefully undermine its credibility on other ridiculous pronouncements.

    1. Great comment, Tal Benschar. Thanks!


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