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Jul 6, 2014

members of government blaming government

I am pretty unimpressed with members of the coalition and government, and even of the ruling party, commenting about how this government has failed, how this government's policy does not strengthen  deterrence, etc.

"this government" is your government, the one you are a part of. You are part of the failed policy you are criticizing. Talking as if you are in the opposition does not take away your share of the responsibility.

If you believe the government's policy is wrong, do something to change it. Don't just tell the public the government is doing nothing right - tell the public what the government needs to do, and show us you are working to get the government to change its policy.

Otherwise you are just all talk. And you still share the responsibility.

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1 comment:

  1. Whenever someone in the government attacks the 'government', it means they are attacking the cabinet and higher. i.e. the Prime Minister and perhaps the FM and MoD.


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